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Tarot Of Gemstones and Crystals


78 Cards + Instruction booklet

The power of gemstones, minerals, and crystals combine with the wisdom of tarot to create a unique and sparkling deck of full-colour photographs

The booklet that accompanies the deck provides information on the qualities and energies of each stone and some effort has been made to match those qualities to their respective cards. For example, The High Priestess is assigned Aventurine. The booklet says “The green aventurine imparts composure. Calmness flows through our soul, and cheerfulness and patience can develop. Its metallic glittering inclusions stimulate intuition and the powers of the imagination.” A short upright interpretation is provided as well as what is called a “Shadow Aspect” interpretation, which could be used for reversals. The booklet also advises that one can wear the stones or metals from the cards drawn in a spread to resolve the task or situation the reading covered. While the deck is quite attractive, it is very different from most Tarot decks in style

Ideal for those who work with crystals regularly

SKU: 2661G Category:
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